Find Your Way,
Start From Here is place for entrepreneurs to share and learn their journey become and being entrepreneurs

A passion for creating spaces

We believe that every entrepreneur has a unique story worth to share. Enjoy this kind of show? This place is for you!

Pertanyaan Kritis – Gita Wirjawan
Terlihat Bodoh Tapi Genius – Raditya Dika
Jadi Diri Sendiri Asking Your Curiosity – Nanda Jabar

“Roadmap is my passion project to talk with entrepreneurs like you, no matter how small-big of your business. You will always Find Your Way!”

Initiator of

This gifts is designed only for you

We believe that every entrepreneur has a unique story and sometimes need guidance from someone, that’s why we are doing it!

Find Your Way Podcast

  • Asking great questions is not easy
  • Entrepreneur always have way to survive
  • Hope you are inspired from the guest

Roadmap Profit Consulting

  • Entrepreneur is busy & lonely journey
  • If you need somebody to talk
  • We are here together trying to map your dream

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